World Leading

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View Our Load Bank Range And Services At A Glance

Resistive Only Load Bank

A resistive load bank provides simulated electrical loading for generators and back up power systems.

When used as a controlled system test, the load simulates real-life resistive loads, such as incandescent lighting and heating loads as well as the resistive or unity power factor component of magnetic (motors, transformers).

Resistive only load banks are available from 10kW to 6000kW.

Medium Voltage Load Bank

With footprint size an ever vital consideration in many markets, our medium voltage load banks provide higher voltages with integrated transformers & load banks packaged in one ISO container. Available in wide range of voltages up to 33kV in both resistive and resistive-reactive configuration. Crestchic will design and build MV load banks to your exact voltage, frequency and capacity requirements.

DC Load Bank

Batteries are used extensively across industry to provide critical parallel emergency power to essential systems. The reliable operation of these batteries is vital. Crestchic’s range of DC load banks are specially designed to provide an accurate load for the discharge of batteries, both following amps and voltage.

Aviation Ground Power

Crestchic manufacture a range of load banks specifically for testing aircraft ground power units.

Our aviation load banks are available as resistive-only, or resistive-reactive, both with DC capability, all at 400Hz

Services & Spares

With over 40 years of loadbank manufacturing, Crestchic’s load bank services team support load banks of varying sizes and age across the world.

Our service contracts help keep your Crestchic load bank in peak condition with regular maintenance and software upgrade visits scheduled at your convenience. Our data module calibration service ensures that the applied electrical load is accurate over a 12 month period, with traceability to UKAS laboratory standards.

Resistive-Reactive Load Bank

A resistive-reactive load bank contains both resistive elements and inductors that are used to provide load-testing at a lagging Power Factor. This includes the capability to test the generator set fully at 100% kVA rating.
Resistive/reactive loads are able to simulate the operation of motor loads and electromagnetic devices within a power system. It can also provide purely resistive loads. Available from 50kVA to 6250kVA.

Transformer Packages

To complement our range of load banks and also serve the international temporary power generation sector, Crestchic manufacturers a range of containerised step-up/step-down transformers. The multi-tap transformers range from 2000kVA to 8000kVA, with voltage up to 34.6kV.

Load Bank Control Systems

LC80 Load Bank ControllerCrestchic utilises the latest technology in its state of the art load bank control systems.

From a basic manual controller to the portable ruggedized tablet control system, the load banks feature a microprocessor control that allows accurate adding of loads during the testing phase.

Load Bank Rental Services

Crestchic rental division provide a range of delivery and installation options, support services and accessories to complement our rental packages. You can choose to have equipment installed for self operation, operated by Crestchic, or simply delivered to site. Whichever option you choose, with Crestchic’s unparalleled experience in providing worldwide load testing solutions, you can be assured that the service you receive will be second to none.

Load Bank Rental Equipment

The Crestchic rental fleet is designed to operate across a range of voltages and frequencies up to 690V and up to 36kV with the addition of our containerised step-down transformers.

About Us & Why We are
The Best For the Job

Founded in 1983, Crestchic is one of the world’s leading specialist manufacturers of load banks which are used in the testing of power supplies in the most demanding climactic and environmental conditions across seven continents. Operating from locations in the UK, North America, China, Singapore, France, Germany and UAE, the company is at the forefront of innovation and design, with thriving sales and rental operations and a loyal and growing customer base worldwide.

Contact Us

Call us today on +44 (0) 1283 531 645

Our Core Values

1. We will act with integrity at all times – we will be honest and straightforward in our business dealings
  • We are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with
    integrity in all our business dealings and relationships.
  • Crestchic personnel will apply these principles not just to
    their own conduct – they will also speak up when someone
    else is doing something which fails to embody these
  • We work in industries and jurisdictions which represent a
    high risk in relation to bribery and corruption. Our approach
    is one of zero tolerance. Crestchic personnel should [not]
    give or accept anything which might be seen as a bribe and
    instead should immediately report any occurrence to their
    line manager.
  • Crestchic personnel will disclose to the Managing Director
    or Finance Director any conflicts of interest which could
    prevent them from acting in our best interests.
  • Competition and antitrust laws may affect how we deal with
    our competitors and the kinds of agreements we enter into.
    We will conduct our business in accordance with all
    applicable competition and antitrust laws of the countries
    where we operate. Crestchic personnel will seek the
    advice of the Managing Director or Finance Director before
    engaging in any conduct or transaction that might give rise to
    concerns about our compliance with competition laws.
  • Crestchic personnel means Directors, employees, agents,
    suppliers, contractors and anyone else acting on behalf of
2. We will be responsible corporate citizens, complying with our legal obligations and applying sensible risk management policies to protect crestchic's assets for the benefit of shareholders and other stakeholders
  • We will at all times comply with the law in the jurisdictions
    where we operate. Where the safety standards vary between
    these jurisdictions, we will always seek to apply the highest
  • We will comply with all relevant tax laws in the countries
    where we operate and pay the correct amount of tax based
    on those laws. We will not tolerate tax evasion and will make
    sure we do not facilitate tax evasion by other parties, even
  • We will respect personal data and comply with our legal
    obligations to protect it and use it appropriately, only
    collecting data where necessary for business purposes.
  • We will apply controls to minimise the risk of fraud affecting
    our operations.
  • We will ensure that our financial records consistently, fully
    and accurately record all transactions and that our financial
    reporting is in accordance with applicable law and
    accounting standards.
  • We will ensure that we do not engage in any share trading
    which infringes the letter or the spirit of applicable law,
    particularly on insider trading, or the AIM Rules.
  • We will apply controls to minimise the risk of hacking or loss
    of data and to maintain the integrity of our IT systems.
  • We will ensure that all of our communications are consistent,
    effective and appropriate, both internally and externally
3. We will seek to ensure that local communities where we operate benefit from employment and contracting opportunities
  • We will comply with both the letter and the spirit of any local content rules.
4. We will ensure that everything we do is done safely – no “ifs”, no “buts”
  • Safety is everyone’s responsibility – nothing is so urgent or
    important that we cannot take the time to do it safely, so
    that no one is hurt by our operations and no property is
    damaged. Any individual has the right to stop work at any
    time if they consider the task to be unsafe, do not have
    appropriate PPE or have not been given sufficient training.
  • Whilst conducting our work, there is no place for alcohol,
    controlled substances, or legal or illegal drugs. Our
    employees are prohibited from entering any Crestchic
    location, conducting business or driving or operating
    machinery whilst under the influence of any of the above.
5. We will be responsible global citizens playing our part in creating a sustainable future
  • We have a responsibility not only to our shareholders but also
    to the communities in which we operate. We will seek to
    ensure that we carry out our operations with respect for
    those communities – this means ensuring our operations
    cause no direct damage to the environment and seeking to
    minimise any indirect impact we may have, for instance by
    our use of energy and natural resources.
  • We operate around the world and we recognise we have a
    responsibility for upholding and protecting human rights. We
    will not tolerate forced labour practices, modern slavery or
    child labour. We expect our suppliers to adopt similar
6. We will seek to create diverse, effective and friendly teams where people want to work
  • We recognise that a diverse workplace is a more successful
    workplace, so we therefore seek to foster diversity – any
    discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual
    orientation or any other protected characteristic has no
    place at Crestchic.
  • Everyone at Crestchic will show mutual respect and
    professionalism to each other during and outside of work.
    This courtesy is to extend to customers, suppliers,
    contractors and any other person affected by our operations.
    We will not tolerate any offensive behaviour or other form of
  • We will ensure our use of social media does not cause
    offence to colleagues, customers, suppliers, contractors or
    any other person affected by our operations, or otherwise
    damage our reputation.
  • We will aim to recognise and reward behaviour which reflects
    these principles.
  • We will seek to be a smoke-free environment to the extent
    this is consistent with local laws where we operate.
7. We will strive for excellence in the quality of our products and the service we provide to our customers
  • We will offer relevant training to our employees to ensure
    they understand our principles and also that they have the
    appropriate skills and competences to carry out their jobs
    effectively and safely.
  • Our aim is that all Crestchic operations should be certified
    to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 or operate to the same
    standards except where this is impractical due to the size or
    nature of the relevant operation.

Work with us! If you’re looking for the next step up in your profession or are looking to learn through an apprenticeship, Crestchic Loadbanks are looking to recruit today!

For the most recent employment information, simply click the button below to begin your application journey.

Options available to apply by Email, Post or Online.


British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has recently installed a second Crestchic load bank to safeguard critical data and the livelihood of scientists at two of its primary research stations, one of which is credited for the discovery of the ozone hole in 1985.

British Antarctic Survey

“Crestchic was the ideal provider for us as it enabled us to design exactly what we wanted at the same time as remaining cost efficient. We were provided with such a good service and robust product in the first instance that we returned to Crestchic for our most recent installation at the Rothera station. You can’t survive here without resilient generators and we can’t afford to lose the power so the load banks are critical for our operation out in Antarctica.”


Mark Wales,

Facilities Manager, British Antarctic Survey


Years of Experience

Load banks made to date

Employees worldwide

Parts in a 20ft containerised 6000kVA loadbank

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