example survey

Crestchic ESG Survey
Stakeholder Environmental Social & Governance (‘ESG’) Survey
Crestchic is always keen to engage with its stakeholders and to understand their perspectives and concerns. However, we also understand your time is valuable, so we are only asking for a few minutes of it.

We are asking our employees, shareholders, customers and suppliers to complete a short survey to tell us which aspects of the ESG agenda are most important to you so we can ensure that our own priorities are aligned with those of our stakeholders.

What is ESG?

ESG is an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG takes the holistic view that sustainability extends beyond just environmental issues. ESG is a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organisation is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria. These stakeholders include not just the investment community but also customers, suppliers, and employees.

Environmental criteria refer to an organisation’s environmental impacts and risk management practices. These include direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, stewardship over natural resources, and the firm’s overall resiliency against physical climate.

The social pillar refers to an organisation’s relationships with its stakeholders. Factors include human capital management, local community impact, and also an organisation’s own supply chain partners, particularly those in developing economies where environmental and labour standards may be less robust.

Governance refers to how a company is led and managed. ESG analysts will seek to better understand how leadership’s incentives are aligned to stakeholder expectations, how shareholder rights are viewed, and what types of internal controls exist to promote transparency and accountability by leadership.

As an incentive, for each participant who completes the survey, Crestchic will donate money to a charitable cause. Please consider the three options below and place a tick next to the one you would like us to donate to on your behalf.

Please respond within the next 10 calendar days.

Thank you in advance for your time!

I would like you to donate £10 on my behalf to:*

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Reducing our own Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
e.g., by increasing use of renewable energy, replacing company cars and vans with electric ones, and implementing energy efficiency measures*

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in our supply chain*

Waste Reduction
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Reduction in manufacturing waste*

Climate Change
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Physical impacts of climate change e.g., planning for extreme weather events which can cause droughts, fires, floods, and power cuts*

Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Product quality*

Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Product innovation (investing in research and development for new products which will better meet our customers’ needs or have a reduced impact upon the environment)*

Lifecycle Extensions
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Product lifecycle extension e.g., by promoting our services to refurbish our own manufactured loadbanks to extend their useful life and to buyback our own manufactured equipment from our customers to refurbish and add to our rental fleet

Supply Chain
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Robust supply chain (to be able to meet the challenges of changing trading rules, climate change, and geopolitical crises, so that we can still meet our customers’ needs)*

Diversity & Inclusion
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Diversity and inclusion at all levels of our business*

Employee Satisfaction
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Employee satisfaction: e.g., training and development, working environment, development opportunities, management support, aligned values & purpose*

Health and Safety
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Employee health and safety

Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Community engagement e.g., charitable initiatives, apprenticeships for the local community*

Cyber Risk
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Reducing cyber risk (meaning any risk of financial loss, disruption, or damage to the reputation of our business from cyber-attack or a failure of our IT systems).*

Risk Management
Please rank the following statement as “Not important”; “Important” or “Very Important”

Risk management processes (meaning the process of identifying, monitoring, and managing potential risks in order to minimise the negative impact they may have on our business)*

Anything Missing?
Thank you for your participation this far. If you still have time, we present you with the final 3 questions. Please type as much or little as you feel the topic requires. Please select 'Finish' when you are done. Thank you for your time.

Please list other ESG issues that you feel should be in our list.

Please list your top 3 ESG issues.

Any other ESG matters that we should bear in mind?