Load Banks – Day 2 of 5 – What type of load bank do I need?

Load Banks – Day 2 of 5 – What type of load bank do I need?

The load bank type you need will vary depending on the applications involved. Typically load banks fall into three categories: Resistive: The most common type, a resistive load bank provides a simulated electrical load for generators and back up power systems. They...
In the eye of Storm Arwen: the true cost of lost power

In the eye of Storm Arwen: the true cost of lost power

This week, Storm Arwen wreaked havoc across the UK, with tens of thousands of homes and businesses experiencing power cuts. At one point on Friday 26th November, 74,000 customers were without power in England’s North West region, along with a further 88,000 in...
Crestchic co-sponsoring Mixing IT on 30th September

Crestchic co-sponsoring Mixing IT on 30th September

Crestchic load banks is co-sponsoring Mixing IT on 30th September at 4.30pm, at Balls Brothers, Austin Friars, London. Mixing .I.T. is one of the UK’s leading events where IT and Engineering/Construction get together to network. Crestchic is co-sponsoring the...